Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Happy New Year Kids!
Mine was pretty great, had a revelation... One of my friends had told me about this trip to AZ. Turns out I'm leaving next week! Woo!
I've been working at my current job for a little over two years, and it sure was difficult to give my two weeks notice. For those of you that work with me, I will miss you all. I will be back, don't you worry.
I'm so happy that I will finally be able to have some ME time. I will be able to concentrate on my research project, work out, make some money and have a ton of fun! woo for 2011!
Here's to the love of my life...
I love you forever and ever and always I love you
Whenever you need me
I'll be there right by you
Whenever you call me
I'm there when you call
Whenever you're falling
I'm there when you fall
Wherever your going
I'll be right there showing
Our love's always growing and growing and growing
I know that you know it, there's no need for guessing
When I am requesting, I'm there with no questions
As... I'll go, wherever, whenever
If ever, you need me, I'll be here

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Holidays = Crazy.
Being around family you hate.
Working at the mall is a bust on personal life.
Traffic sucks.
Gaining weight.
Red and Green is overdone.
GOD let me just mention holiday music... 100.3FM
Travel prices sky rocket. (gas prices, plane tickets...)
Weather blows.
Corporate Christmas Parties suck a double s
Grandmas ugly sweater gift she made herself.
Neighbors light set up in the front yard you can see through your window that keeps you up at night.
Any attempt to go to the store for just ONE thing is NOT worth it.
Shipping anything in the mail is delayed by two days.

Lets just say that there are many reasons to hate the holidays. This time comes around only once every year but God, how annoying and stressful it can be.
I was in the woman's bathroom at work today and politely said to the woman washing her hands next to me, "hello how are you? ready for the holidays?" She replies, "No not really, holidays aren't the same anymore. It's all about business" and walked away.
I stood there in awe, trying to relate my holiday time, and what she described her's as.
My first Christmas away from home, meaning I spent it with my dad, stepmother and step siblings. Christmas morning while we were unwrapping presents, My step brother opens up a brand new I Pod Touch! I was so jealous! His response wasn't the same or what I would have thought it to be. He said "what?! an IPod touch? I don't need this and I didn't even want this one, my dad got me a better one." Wow, all I could do is look at him and say "wow, I cant believe you would say something like that... I'm taking your present I got for you and giving it to someone else who would appreciate it." I almost back handed him across the face... What a little brat!
I have come to realize that Christmas has become a reason for us to be even more greedy, stuck up, get *ucked up, hate our lives and stress each other out.
This is NO BUENO! I feel like every year that passes we fall further and further away from what the holidays are all about, which is the reason why we are here in the first place, why we have our own free will. Can we please celebrate the real reason for life this holiday season?
ThanksKBye ;)

Monday, December 6, 2010


Only seven posts ago I talked about the new year... 2010. It is now December 2010 and I will soon post about the new year (2011.) shit! what happened in all this time? Comment and update me on something exciting that happened in your life of 2010.
Well, since you asked....
1. graveyard shift at work (Feb/Mar.)
2. met a bunch of really cool people in my hot tub. (Mar.)
3. met a boy. (Mar.)
4. partied hard. (Mar. Apr. May)
5. quit smoking. (Mar.)
6. lakers/jazz playoffs. (May 2nd)
7. drama.
8. Benni Benossi. (Jun.)
9. Went home to Detroit (July)
10. Vegas for my birthday. (Aug.)
11. got kicked out of my apt. (Sept.)
12. got kicked out of school. (Sept.)
13. cheated on my boyfriend with one of his best friends. (Oct.)
14. drama. (Oct.-Nov.)
15. road trip from Detroit to Utah with best friend Brittany. (Nov.)
16. partied. (Nov-Dec)
17. Dreamland. (Nov.)
18. Sadness. (Dec.4th)

I think that things are going to be getting better in the life of ME very soon =D

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A New Post a.k.a. REBIRTH

I've been away for a wile. It feels nice to be back on the radar again. I was abducted by aliens a.k.a. boy drama. Now there is more time for you and I.
In this time of absence it has come to my attention that people come in and out of our lives and when they come in, your days are filled with happiness and with that keeps you extremely busy. On the other hand when these individuals leave, or are no longer in your life, its sad. But in that 1 in 5 chance that you may be happy that they are no longer in your life, its relaxing! You find time for yourself, to pamper yourself on Saturdays...and learn to love yourself... again!

"There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves."

In case you were wondering... In the past few months, I have gained good friends and lost some as well. I broke up with my boyfriend of 6months. Because of him I have lost a few friends. Because of him I have also gained a few friends. And because we broke up, I have gained back the friends that I lost because of him. I have also lost a few friends because of our break up. Crazy shit when you think about these things huh?

Being in college, it is easy to meet new people. Meeting new people is my favorite hobby.
For all My Single Ladies...! 20 fun, Fearless Ideas to Help You Meet a Man

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Words to Live By

Take 30 minute walks everyday. when you walk... SMILE!
sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement.
"My purpose is"
Live with the 3 E's Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
Live with the 3 F's Faith, Family, Friends.
Spend more time with people over 70 and under the age of 6.
Dream more wile your awake.
Make 3 people smile everyday.
Realize that life is a school you are here to learn. Pass all your tests, Problems are a part of the curriculum that appear and feel like and algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
Smile and laugh more it will keep the energy vampires away.
Life isn't fair but it's still good.
You don't have to win every argument, agree to disagreements.
Make peace with your past so it wont mess up the present.
Don't compare your life with others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Burn the candles; use the nice sheets don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
Forgive everyone for everything.
What people think of you is none of your business.
Time heals almost everything so give time, time.
However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
your job won't take care of you when your sick. Your friends will. Keep in touch.
Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful.
The best is yet to come.
No matter how you feel, Get up, Dress up, and Show up.
Do the right thing.
Call family often.
Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements.
"I'm thankful for..."
"I accomplished..."
Remember you are too blessed to be stressed.
Remember this isn't Disney World, there defiantly are no fast passes. Make the most of it and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I would just like to start with the fact that, as most of you know, I have started working a graveyard shift at work. Which has made NO life for me. So I'm taking this time to apologize to everyone for being unsocial. The shift has gotten started off great and the past three days have been splendid. I have been able to sleep surprisingly well during the day. Also, since we have been taking calls from the UK, I have come to talk with an English accent and I make fun of myself for it. Wish me good luck for the month of February. See you all next month! Cheers!

Friday, January 22, 2010

To my boss.

Dear Boss/Super.,
Why is it that every time I see you I have to laugh??
I am starting to think that you are constantly on something. Either that or I just cant except the fact that your a really funny guy. Boss's shouldn't be funny, they should be mean and you should be scared of them, worrying about the fact that if you look at them wrong you might get fired. Boss, I'm glad that I don't have to worry about that. Besides that fact that I love having you as my boss, I will never forgive you for that time when you tricked me and said that you had Phil written up for sexual harassment, even though I said that I did forgive you. OR the time you made me tell a customer that was complaining about how we don't provide free parking that if she didn't want to pay for parking that she should take advantage of public transportation ie. "take the bus lady!" literally making me say that because you would be listening inn to make sure that I said just that...
To sum this up I believe I can speak for myself among others here, that there is something about the dull grim monotony of call centers... and if we didn't have ONE cool manager we would all be dead. So thanks to you for keeping us all here at SOL alive :)